Thursday, December 18, 2008
'A' Level Festivity
This is a type of art I found out just recently called, 'fractals'
(a blend between art and math, inspiring)
I took a panadol and then rested a while, showered. After which I quickly came out of the house, picked up Winnie, rushed to fetch Jeremy in SS15 and then flew to Mines to meet Kent and Kelly. Before then, Winnie, Jeremy and I wondered what we would eat in Serdang as Kent suggested. Then we talked about Bak Kut Teh on the way to the restaurant. Little did we know, the shop next to it had Bak Kut Teh. Lol. But then we went for steamboat. Thinking it is just normal la, walao, i was so so so so so wrong. Divine had its hold on this divine filled mealed. We had our seafood grilled, we had it steamed in the pot. The soup was excellent. Tom yam just right (not too spicy or hot), the clear soup (heavenly). Then we grilled and buttered and then grill summore. Jeremy brought back some of his Australian culture, beer. We all had beer with grilled seafood, how divine it is then?
We ate from like 8 something 9 to 12 till all the customers left. Lol, so fun whey!...Next time? Sure!!!!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
For the fire in me
Until today I would not update thinking there is nothing really important to write about, but Joanne certainly pushed me to write. Oh well, I've been really stressed and having sleepless nights or insomnia these days. Besides my excruati
ngly painful 3hr facial, it gave me no choice but to accept a swollen face with bumps and some holes. Silly me, thinking I would have healed all the scars in one week. Any scar if coupled with proper diet, calming emotions and divine sleep would force any bad elements out anytime efficiently. Which I have failed to comply to rule no 2 and 3.
Yesterday while surfing the net, i found a yoga vid
eo by this yoga instructor who is not bad. Then I tried out a few minutes. Then today after finding out how stressed I was, i decided to delve into the 40 minutes yoga exercise. Unbelievably, the whole ordeal calmed me down so much and I felt so good. Thank you video and I would certainly pray to GOD for lightning speed recovery. Amen.
1) Do you think you are hot?
- Without question, obviously I'm hot. I graduated from Team Fierce
2) Upload a picture of yourself:
3) Why did you like the picture?
- I don't have to like it, it's natural. Very innocent, pure, goody goody
4) 5 person u tag
a) Emily
b) Joanne
c) Myself can arrr? can la...
d) Paris
e) Spongebob Squarepants ( should be in yellow bt who cares..its my blog)
5) Has 'e' met 'b'?
Obviously, she even met his husband.
6) What happens if 'a' sees 'd'?
I don't know, maybe shy away?
7) Has 'c' and 'd' kissed intimately before?
hehhe...of course la..blek
8) Can 'a' and 'b' ever possibly have a first time together?
If i see it, i would run away and puke.
9) Say something about 'd'
More than words, love you much!
10) If you were in a deserted island, and you could only bring one, who would you bring?
Can bring all ar? can la...can la...can right..Can it is then!